St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner, and if you’re looking for a great way to celebrate, we’ve got just the thing for you! Malahide Yacht Club is hosting a special event this year in aid of Howth RNLI, and we’ve got some fantastic treats in store.

From 12.30 pm to 3.30 pm on St. Patrick’s Day, we’ll be serving up some hot and delicious Powers whiskey and Irish coffee. It’s the perfect way to warm up on a chilly March day, and what better way to celebrate our national holiday than with a traditional Irish drink?

We’re delighted to have Powers Whiskey on board as our generous sponsor, and we’re grateful for their support of this event. Their whiskey is a true Irish classic, with a rich and distinctive flavor that’s loved by whiskey fans around the world.

But it’s not just about the drinks – we’re also raising money for a very worthy cause. Howth RNLI provides an essential life-saving service along the North Dublin coastline, and they rely on the support of the local community to keep their operations running smoothly.

So come along to Malahide Yacht Club on St. Patrick’s Day and help us raise some much-needed funds for Howth RNLI. We’ll have a warm welcome waiting for you, along with some delicious drinks and great company. And who knows – you might even learn a thing or two about the history of Irish whiskey while you’re here!

We hope to see you there for a fun-filled St. Patrick’s Day celebration that’s all for a good cause. Sláinte!

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